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Science Talk homework: What if there were no trees? 

Felix has enjoyed RE this week, we have started learning about Jewish people and today we sketched a synagogue. 

This week we had a visit from the A14 Team we learnt so much! Libby enjoyed building a giant triangular based pyramid out of sticks and elastic bands. Jackson said we didn't enjoy watching them knock down what we'd built! Eva enjoyed learning lots of information about the A14 project. Enzo enjoyed measuring how loud we could be, we were as loud as a jackhammer! 

Alfie enjoyed our first Global learning lesson with Global goal 1 which is poverty. 

Faye enjoyed designing the next two pages of the Egg Box Dragon in English.

Elysia enjoyed the allottment even when it was pouring with rain we still made it down there!

Millie has enjoyed PSHE when we learnt about our body parts.