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Friday 15th September

Talk homework: Tell your adults how sedimentary rocks are formed.

Spellings: hopeless, enjoyment, sadness, playful, badly, careful

Science: Look on Twig Science Reporter for a video about Rocks

We have had a fantastic second week back at school. In maths, we are learning how to represent three digit numbers. Ask your child to show you how to represent 364 in a part, part, part whole model or how to draw 364 in base 10. Yesterday, we completed our first independent writes in year 3. The children pretended they were a pebble that had been broken off a cliff face by the weather. This was just the start of their journey which continued as an exhilarating ride in a river following torrential rain. It was an opportunity for the children to think deeply about how they would feel on different parts of the journey. Our thesauruses helped us to extend our vocabulary that we used to describe our feelings. We are continuing our PE lessons with our sports coaches which have been very enjoyable and our Tag Rugby skills are developing nicely. In Science, we have been thinking about all the different kinds of rocks that there are and how they are formed. So far we know that there are three types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. In RE, we considered the covenant that Noah and God made and this got us thinking about the promises and rules that we make in our daily lives and what the consequences would be if we broke them. We are linking our learning to the importance of a quality education which is our Global Goal for this half-term. The children have visited the library and have started to choose and read library books which has made them feel like they are very grown up. 

We are looking forward to everything that we are planning to do next week already.

Have a great weekend

Year 3