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Baden-Powell blog 7th June

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Mathletics has been set.

We will be going to the allotments on Thursday 13th June, in the afternoon we would love to have some helpers please!

What a fantastic, speedy week!

In P.E., we managed to successfully sort out both track and field events in preparation for Sport’s Day.

In both English and Global Learning we have gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding all about Nelson Mandela.  Today we even wrote magnificent biographies in our Big Write.

In Mathematics we enjoyed looking at Time.  This included seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.  Next , we will be looking at both analogue and digital time.

In French we looked at family members and gave some funny opinions on them. 

The highlight of our week was making battery operated cars with gears!  We had the professional help of an actual engineer called Matt. Two groups were selected to take their cars to share with other schools later this month.  We will keep you posted.

Our learner of the week is Indiah. Well done!

Au revoir et bon weekend!