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Friday 7th July

Talk Homework: Have a look at some Lowry paintings at home with your adults

Spellings: Can you remember what a homophone is and write down 6 for Monday?

This week was transition week and we had the most brilliant four days in year 3. I was so impressed by how the children approached the week. Their learning behaviour was excellent and they made the most brilliant class rules to ensure they have a successful year. We made butterflies to go on our Collective Worship tree that listed our aspirations for year 3. We wrote our class prayers and prepared our Mind Apples which had our happy places on them to remind us what makes us so happy. Our new class name will be Beethoven and we learnt all about his life. We have drawn portraits of Beethoven in different styles to display on our excellence board. In Geography, we made a story mountain map after taking our mini-me characters out on an adventure around the school field. Then we labelled our human and physical features, added a key and compass points. Drawing our own symbols for the places on our map was the best part. 

Have a fantastic weekend

Heron Class