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Friday 23rd June

Spellings: squash, stretch, bend, twist, flexible, rigid

Talk homework: Tell your adults all about the unusual British plants and animals that we learnt about this week.

We have had a really fantastic week in Heron class. This week has been science week and on Monday we had an assembly with Max's mum and Xyla's grandad to learn all about how aeroplanes fly. It was fascinating and inspired us to conduct our whole school investigation to answer the question, 'Does the size/shape of an aeroplane's wings affect the distance that they fly?' On Tuesday, we researched our favourite animals and then wrote about a day in their lives to show everything that we know about them. Wednesday we drew a picture of the animal to show their anatomical features. On Thursday, we had a visitor to tell us about unusual British animals and plants and then designed our own plants and animals. To finish off science week, we learnt about different scientists and just how many there are. 

Have a fantastic weekend

Heron class.