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Week beg 5th June and spellings

Talk Homework: What makes an effective reflective space?


Science – Watch Twig reporter news (



SATS companion – 1 Maths / 1English



It's been a fully-packed first week back. In Maths, we've continued to explore geometry and our use of protractors. Next week, we'll be measuring angles around a point, reflex angles and reviewing our problem solving skills. 

In English, we have met our new character, Shane, and are beginning to build a picture of what he is like. We have also discussed and predicted what we think will happen in the story. Ida really enjoyed writing reflective poetry this week using all her senses. 

We learnt about the ‘Make do and mend’ campaign in history and had some fun deciding how we would spend the coupons if we had had to ration our clothing for the year. Joshua particularly enjoyed the challenge. It's linked well into our Sustainable Development Goal of Sustainable Fashion. 

In Art, which Freya and Emily enjoyed, we started to develop designs for our Batik bags. Everyone has enjoyed our preparations for Sports Day with Athletics and have each selected their track and field events to compete in.  

In Geography, we looked at fast fashion and how ethical it is. Pupils found it hard to decide what they would do, as the lure of cheaper clothing was strong, particularly in today’s climate.

Enjoy your sunny weekend!

Acorn class