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Friday 24th May

Have a happy half term!

English: This week we have designed and made a new friend for Beegu. We thought carefully about our designs and then made some crazy new friends. On Wednesday we then had to write about our friend and on Thursday we edited our writing to try to make it even better. 

Maths: We have been using the magic word 'half.' We have been trying to find half of a variety of shapes and half of amounts. The important thing to remember is that it is equal, fair or even. 

Science: We have been science crazy this week. We have looked at and continued our rocket investigation, named a variety of different plants and drawn them. 

Global Learning: We made survival biscuits. These were cheap and easy to make and the type of biscuits that are given to people in the third world who are truly starving. They were actually very tasty!

There are no spelling lists this week however we have been recapping spelling the days of the week. 

If you happen to be passing the school with some water next week, our sunflowers would love a little drink!