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Friday 9/6/23

Talk homework: Tell your adult about how your tadpole is changing and make sure you can still tell the time to the nearest 15 minutes.

Spellings: quarter, daughter, shorter, school, author, hour, our,

Find a Twig Science Reporter video linking to nutrition or different materials.

Please remember sunscreen and hats for next week as it is going to be hot!

Another week has passed by and yet again the children have worked their socks off. This week we have started a new book in English called The Egg Box Dragon, and it has totally captivated the children. They wrote a prediction today only two pages in and their writing was great. In maths, we have worked on understanding pictograms and block diagrams and made up our own questions today to show our understanding of what the graphs represented. In science, we have been thinking about what we already know about materials trying to remember our learning in year 1. We will move on to think about how a material is suited to its purpose. In R.E. this term we will learn about Judaism and in history we will be learning the history of the high street. There was great excitement today when we realised our tadpoles have started to grow legs. So we made some observational drawings to record how they had changed. 

Sadly, today was Miss Huckstep's last day with us. We had a great time with the parachute this afternoon and then Miss Love made everybody a fruit platter to share as we thanked her for everything that she has done for us and wished her good luck in her new job.

Have a great weekend!

Remember to put your sun tan lotion on in the sun!

Heron class