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Friday 24th May

 This has been a very exciting and busy week .
 We all enjoyed making our survival biscuits as part of our Global Learning looking at hunger. The class all wanted to try and make them at home so asked to have a copy of the recipe . ENJOY !!!

Have a fantastic half term in the sunshine.


 This week we have focussed on our editing skills. Reading through our work and checking that we have used Capital letters and fullstops. 
 Next we looked at our spellings to see if we needed to correct any of the words in our text.
 After that thinking about any adjectives we could add to make our writing more exciting.
 Finally reading our work through to make sure it makes sense to the reader.



 In our lessons we have practised counting in tens . We have continued exploring  making half .

 We have been learning to use the correct maths vocabulary .
Using phrases 'There are - altogether' and ' half of - is '

We have discussed :

 How can we find half of a number ?

 How can you check that you have found half?

 How many equal parts should you have when you have split the objects in half?


 mistake invite those even huge

 paw saw boy toy joy

 blue yawn which called asked

 claw  brought royal oyster Roy


 A.P. I enjoyed writing about our plants and how they are growing.

 F.C. I enjoyed eating the biscuits , they were delicious.

 K.P. I enjoyed cooking our survival biscuits.

  J.C. I enjoyed learning the names of different fruits in French.