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19th May 2023

All go go go on the show show show!

We've had a great week of learning covering Bangladesh, our class book (character descriptions), art, running and French.


We topped the week off with Aspirations Day, where the children got to meet people from lots of different careers; they were full of questions and learnt some amazing new jobs that they could aspire towards in their futures.


Your child will have brought home a recipe for a rice dish they will make next week. They have planned their own dishes and decided with their partners which ingredients they will each bring. Please can you provide the produce for next Friday. They will not need to bring the rice, this will be provided by school. Thank you


Tallulah-Mai - I enjoyed planning our rice dish with our partner for DT cooking next week.

Emilia - I have enjoyed a break from revision, now that SATs are over.

Emily F - Aspiration Day was amazing. My favourite person was Indira's Dad as it was fabulous watching the magic!
































Secret word: Trumpet