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Friday 19th May 2023

Talk homework

This week we have been learning about halving and quartering quantities. Talk to your adults at home about how many parts we need to split different amounts into when we are halving, and how many parts we need when we are quartering. Can you find some toys or things at home to half and quarter?

If you would like to challenge yourself, please practise counting forwards AND backwards in steps of 2, 5 and 10!


Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


The children will be tested on the ‘ee’ sound family on Monday next week. Please continue to practise these over the weekend.


Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
The login details are as follows:
Username: bpa_3
Password: Year 1

Twig Science Reporter

Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

This week in Year 1 the children have absolutely loved our DT project, where we put our cutting skills into practise by chopping different fruits up before threading them onto a skewer and eating our delicious fruit kebabs!

In Maths we have been learning how to quarter shapes, objects and quantities, the children have enjoyed using resources and themselves to quarter amounts – they loved getting outside on Thursday for our ‘Outdoor Learning Day’ where they were transformed into human cubes and quartered by Miss Kelly and Mrs Jaynes!

We have had an Arty week, where the children have explored Paul Cezanne through observational drawing, we were really impressed with the children’s care and attention to detail when drawing their own recreation of Cezanne’s ‘Apples and Oranges’, and they also loved trialling and testing their ideas when making Arcimboldo’s Fruit Faces!

Here are a couple of phonics websites to help your children practise and prepare for their phonics ahead of their screening after half term.

The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 Team