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5th May 2023

Talk Homework- We did a minibeast hunt at Paxton Pits and explored habitats for birds, minibeasts and otters. Explore your garden habitat (or a similar habitat) and see what minibeasts you can find.

Reading at least 3 times a week and record on Boom Reader.  In phonics we practised the tricky words: come, some, all, there, like, here, when, today, what, where. Due to the bank holidays this month, we will listen to your child read once in a fortnight.

We had a wonderful time exploring Paxton Pits! We did pond dipping, holt building, pond design, minibeast searching and bird watching. The children had a lovely, and exhausting, time. In maths we have been learning about money, exploring coins up to 10p. We then applied our knowledge during our coronation celebration day when we set up a bank and the children used their coins to "pay" to do a variety of activities. Of course, we learned lots about our new King, King Charles III and we learned about what will happen at the coronation and why it is important. We also planted sunflower seeds and earned how to plant seeds and what plants need to grow.

Have a fabulous coronation weekend!