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Friday 28th April

Friday 28th April 2023

Spellings: turn, term, twist, first, search, humour.

In English we have written a Letter to The Great Pasha from Egypt advising him about whether to give Zeraffa to the King of France or not. The children worked very hard on this and used some fantastic vocabulary. 

During Pe the children have learnt how to pass a baton during a relay race. We found this a little tricky but they worked as a team and concentrated very hard. 

In art this week the children learnt about Victorian Workhouses. The children discovered that there uses to be a workhouse in Buckden which was knocked down, and a house was built on top of it. The children have been practising the technique of hatching, and they will use this in future lessons to assist them in their sketches. 

In science the children have started an experiment to test the growth rate of a runner bean. We will hopefully have the results for you in a few weeks. Ask your child how they planned their experiment and what they predict will happen.

During singing assembly the children have been learning a song for the coronation celebrations. Please see Magpies blog for a link to the coronation song.