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Friday 17th May

English: Our imaginations were put to good use this week as we painted where we thought that Beegu would come from. Using our senses we were able to create some fantastic pieces which in turn produced some amazing writing, in the form of setting descriptions (CS)

Maths: At the start of the week we recapped our learning of doubles (up to 20) and are now able to understand what it means to double a number (RW). Yesterday and today we have been making sure that we are able to share equally and know the importance of this (BB and JB)

Science: This week we check on our plant investigation to see how all of our different seeds are growing. Finally our sunflower seeds are sprouting and some of our rocket investigation is beginning to grow (see pics of how it is going)

Global Learning: We have been thinking about how to budget for a shopping list and being able to stick to it. We had a list of prices and a budget to stick to, which was challenging, and made us think about what we could afford (AS)

We went to the allotment again this week and were greeted by a mass of weeds! After pulling up what seemed like a mountain of weeds we were finally got round to planting some peas and runner beans. Hopefully when we go next week we will check on them and also plant something else in the last of our patch (IP)


Group 1 - new, chew, few, you, said

Group 2 - mistake, invite, those, even, huge

Group 3 - blew, stew, drew, some, come

Group 4 - blue, yawn, which, called, asked

Group 5 - drew, knew, screw, some, come