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31st March 2023

Happy Easter

1.) Remember to read for 20 minutes each day and record your reading on Boom Reader. 

2.) There are no set tasks for you on SATs Companion.  Try and log in 8 times over the Easter holiday and complete an activity in an area where you feel you need more practice.  The more times you log in the better - every activity you manage to complete is excellent revision for your upcoming tests in May.  We can see how much time you have spent on homework, and which tasks you have completed.

3.) New spellings will be given out on Monday 17th April.

4.) Optional revision for SATs tests.  Please see the attached documents for optional revision activities which you can complete at home over the Easter holidays.  

5.)  Optional English homework: Write the next chapter of Pig-Heart Boy entitled: 3 Months Later...  House Points will be available for this, and it would be lovely to share some in class next term.














Secret word: Resurrection