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Friday 24th March 2023

Spellings: sugar, everybody, should, great, people  hoped, safer, largest, nicer, closest

Talk Homework: Can you draw a portrait of someone in your family? How can you care for your environment?

In maths, Darcey has enjoyed learning how to measure in centimetres and how to compare lengths. Ayda really enjoyed Odd Socks Day when we celebrated everybody's differences. Tilly has enjoyed art this week when she used appropriate colours to shade the skin tone on the portrait that she drew. Xyla has chosen English, because she loved the opportunity to write about the witch character in our book and comparing the witches in different stories. In P.E. this week Araoluwa perfected her throwing and catching skills and tried to hit a target with accuracy. Cohen loved history this week when he drew a picture of the Titanic and next week we will be adding pictures of the rooms and people in first, second and third class. Edie loved singing assembly because we learnt a new song with Upper School. 

Have a great weekend

Heron Class.