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Friday 24th March 2023

Talk homework

This week we have been learning about measuring length and height. We used cubes as a non-standard way of measuring objects and then moved on to use rulers and centimetres (cm) to measure the length and height of different objects around the classroom. Can you find some objects around your house to measure? Can you find a ruler or a tape measure to measure the length or height of some of your toys? Remember to start at 0 and to measure to the end of the object to find an accurate measurement, to the nearest centimetre.


Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


The children will be tested on their phonic sounds ‘ay’ and ‘ou’ this week. The ‘ay’ sound is usually found at the end of words and the ‘ou’ sound is usually found in the middle of words. Please remember to put your spelling books in your reading folder so that we can test you on Monday.


In Maths this week we have been measuring length and height using cubes as a non-standard way of measuring and using a ruler as a standard way of measuring.  The children were accurate in their measuring, remembering to start at 0 and to measure to the nearest centimetre by measuring all the way to the end of the objects.

In English this week we are super proud of the children who have had the chance to show us their fantastic writing skills by writing an independent piece of writing about Claude from our Power of Reading book, Claude in the City. The children earned lots of house points by remembering their capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, writing for sense, using cursive handwriting to present their work neatly and even extending their sentences using because.

On Wednesday morning we went on our trip to Buckden Towers! We went into the Kings Room and the Lady Chapel, where we learned about Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon and some facts about the Tudors, including how they travelled, what they ate, what clothes they wore and how they lived, including washing and going to the toilet!

We also learned about the buildings themselves at the Towers. We learned that some of the buildings burned down, some of them were knocked down, and some of them fell down! The bricks in the oldest part of the building were made out of clay, and some of the bricks were black because they got burnt when they were being cooked! Instead of wasting the burnt bricks, the people who built the Towers decided to make patterns in the brickwork which we decided looked really pretty. Some of the buildings were rebuilt out of stone, and others were rebuilt out of bricks and cement.

Finally, we went into the Knot garden where we looked at the Knot patterns in the bushes, and a variety of plants and herbs which were used for dying wool to make clothes, as well as for medicinal purposes. The Tudors definitely put the things that they grew to very good use!

Thank you for bringing your children’s costumes into school this week – we did two dress rehearsals to Upper School and Lower School on Thursday and Friday and the children performed brilliantly!

For Wednesday 29th March’s evening performance (which starts at 6pm), please ensure your child has been dropped at the School Office at 5:30pm so that we can get them changed and ready for the evening performance. An adult will be on the door from 5:20pm-5:40pm to ensure we get all children in and ready on time.

If you have any more shoeboxes, please could you bring them in as we will be using them next Wednesday to make our very own ‘Dream Space’ in a sustainable way!

The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 Team