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Friday 10th May

 Another busy and exciting week in Marie Curie Class.  We have packed so much into our four days.


 We have explored and discussed the character of Beegu from our new text . Beegu is an alien and has been left behind by her family. K.P. especially enjoyed making her picture of Beegu.

  The focus for our writing has been describing words and  imagining how they must feel . Talking about how a character's feelings and emotions may change    during the course of the story.


 We have been using a range of concrete and pictorial representations to make arrays , exploring rows and groups. It is important that the children understand the importance of columns and rows. We have also introduced repeated addition.


 In Science we have been looking at plants. We have planted some seeds in 5 different pots and 5 different categories.
 1 is planted in marshmallows and 1 is planted in normal soil. A.P.

We have all had to make a prediction about which plant grows the best. M. B.



This week please look at the Common Exception Words in the Reading Diary.