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Week beg 6 March

Talk homework: Discuss with your adults your design for a sustainable building (its features and purpose).

This week we've challenged ourselves with fractions as we begin to learn how to add and subtract mixed number fractions. It's been tough, but our understanding is definitely improving with practice. We should be very proud of our determination and perseverance. Freya and Riley enjoyed this week, in part due to a few new games that we introduced. Why don't you challenge your adults with the 3 Rule game ?

In English, we finished our poetry and assessed our narrative writing as we focused on our editing skills. Sometimes it's very difficult to see our own mistakes, especially when we've worked so hard on our first draft. Editing is an essential part of the writers' process and one that they will need to be able to do independently in Year 6, If we do any writing at home, please remind us to proofread and edit to improve as it's such a vital part of our success in English. 

In Art, we started to put all our research and wonderful creative ideas on paper by sketching and making design choices for our own sustainable building. We looked at what a fronted elevation was and then challenged ourselves to draw in 3D from observation. Next week, we'll be creating a design plan for our building in neat to pitch to our team, just like real architects. Betsy and Bella enjoyed this activity. 

We will soon be starting our DT project whereby we will begin to construct our buildings from wood. We will need to gather resources at home to create the facade, but we won't need to bring them in for a while yet. A lot of us will be using roof gardens, so off-cuts of fake grass, lego flowers or trees may be useful to use.

Acorn need to remember to so their SATs Companion homework, log their reading and to complete their AR quizzes please. We are into week 4 of term and many us have not finished a book nor quizzed since before half-term. 

Have a lovely weekend, 


Acorn class & Mrs Schmidt