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Week beg 27 Feb, 2023

Talk homework: Talk to your adults about what makes a city sustainable, ahead of us planning our own cities next week

It's been a very creative week! In art, we've explored different architects and the features of their sustainable designs, ahead of us creating our own next week. We've also been practising our drawing from observation skills as we begin sketching portraits of someone we think is worth celebrating in school – our portraits will be entered into the Sky Arts Competition 2023 for a chance to be featured on TV. Emily, Betsy and Amaya have all enjoyed this. 

On Thursday we had World Book Day. We shared our book recommendations, wrote six-word stories like Ernest Hemingway and enjoyed hot chocolate while we dived into our imaginations for a free write that focused on our new grammar rules. Jack, Matilda and Olly really enjoyed this. We've also been working on free verse poetry to be performed next week that links beautifully with our new book, The Promise. The pupils have been exploring types of figurative language like personification, similes and metaphors. 

We're continuing to practising adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators, which is challenging our knowledge of equivalent fractions as we really need to know our multiplication tables. However, despite the challenges, they've persevered: Freya and Riley have marked it as a highlight of their week.  

It's been a sporty week, too: we began netball, which Ida loved; cross-country, which Jakub and Iris enjoyed; as well as participated in hockey and football competitions. Tom and Iris were selected by Year 6, after excelling in the school's Interhouse competition last term, to participate in a multi-school tournament. Charlie and Riley were also similarly selected by Year 6 to play in a multi-school football tournament. They all did brilliantly! If your son/daughter do want to participate in such contests, please remind them to sign up to the school's interhouse competitions for a chance to get noticed.  


Have a wonderful weekend, and please don't forget to log reading and to complete Sats Companion.      

Mrs Schmidt