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Week 22 - Blog 03/03/2023

Talk homework - explain how to measure accurately. 

Maths - x2 x5 x4 

Reading - continue to record on Boom Reader 

Spellings - basically, automatically, historically, specifically, frantically, logically, magically, publicly, dramatically, chaotically

It was world book day yesterday and we got to come in our pjs, and we got hot chocolate. In PE yesterday we did an obstacle course based on 'We're going on a bear hunt'. In collective worship yesterday, we got to have a go at a quiz, where the teachers were telling a story through their pets. We also got to write a book review of our favourite book. 

We have enjoyed looking at the first pages of our book, Varmints, in English. 

We have started our play practice and are reading through lines. 

In maths, we've been very practical and practising our measuring. 

In PE we have been using high stools to practice balancing and landing.