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Friday 3rd March

Talk homework: Tell your adults everything you know about The Ttitanic

Spellings: writing, loving, shining, hoping, coming

The highlight of our week has definitely been World Book Day. In our classroom we finished our class reader, Dave the Pigeon while we had a hot chocolate with marshmallow. After that, we watched a lesson all about Dave the Pigeon and participated in a draw along to draw Dave onto a bookmark. We hope you liked them. At the end of the day, the whole school moved around and chose another classroom to visit. In all the classrooms, the teachers read a story. It was a lovely experience for both the children and the adults. This was George's favourite part of the day.

We have very much enjoyed learning about the Titanic and what happened to it. Edie knows its first journey was from Southampton to New York in America but it never got there. Ollie now knows that it sank on April 15th 1912 because it hit an iceberg. 

Darcey has enjoyed English this week when we described Rapunzel using lots of descriptive language.

Emily thoroughly enjoyed mixing colours in Art this week with Mrs Heather to create different colours that matched ours skin tones.

Have a lovely weekend

Heron class