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Talk homework – put 6 times tables to a song.

Mathletics set

So far this year we have done English, Maths, Topic, Arithmetic, Art, Science, PE and RE.

In topic we have been learning about the Romans and we’ve found out that the Celts lived on top of hills and that the Celts wore a fabric called tartan. The Romans went to Britain to get all the expensive metals.

In PE we played end ball with a rugby ball, netball and tennis ball. End ball is where you try to score behind the line or on the line. To score the other players have to throw the ball to you, you are not allowed to move with the ball.

In Maths we have been doing grid method with times tables and column method with subtraction and addition. We have also started Arithmetic lessons, we have been doing times table bingo with our 6s, 4s and 3s.

In Science we have been learning about teeth. We watched a video about how to brush your teeth correctly. We also learnt about the four different sets of teeth and what they are called. They are incisors, canines, molars and premolars.

Sydney got learner of the week.

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