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24.2.23 Class blog

Remember to practise the following:

Spelling: expression confession permission omission admission concussion discussion procession impression obsession

TT Rockstars and BOOM reader.

Please remind your child that the following stationery items are needed for school: pencils, ruler, glue stick, orange and purple fine marker or colouring pencil, pen - if they have a pen pass and colouring pencils (for occasional use).

Alfie thought indoors PE with Miss Harris was fun and Beau enjoyed jumping on/off the apparatus.

Omar and Alfie enjoyed coding using Purplemash, in our Computing lesson.

Ethan A. and James liked all the different names of the exercises in our session with Olympic athlete, Sean Rose.

Mrs Wall loved the first week at school and seeing our fantastic, lovely people in class.

Liv is keen to find out the name of the new boy in our new Power of Reading book.

Ethan H. enjoyed going home-time.

Jax enjoyed learning about fractions in Maths, we learnt that fractus is Latin means broken.

Hollie enjoyed learning the different foot work required in tennis.

Carys enjoying learning about modroc in DT.