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Friday 24th February

1.) Remember to read for 20 minutes each day and record your reading on Boom Reader. 

2.) There are 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion - please complete these by next Wednesday.

3.) Revise this week's spelling words ready for a quiz on Tuesday: easel, restaurant, pyjamas, veranda, ballet, blizzard, hoist, bungalow, gymkhana, origin.

Will enjoyed Maths where we were converting miles into kilometres and kilometres into miles – it means he can work out distances in other countries!

Everyone had a great time during Sean Rose’s visit on Tuesday and doing the circuits with him.  We need to remember to bring in our sponsorship money next week.

Libby really liked Art with Mrs Schmidt; we are doing abstract self-portraits this half term.

Rhys loved writing the diary entry as Cam in English. Our new novel, Pig Heart Boy is intense and very interesting.

Albie liked doing the cross-country today even though it was hard work.