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Week 21 - Blog 24/02/2023

Talk homework - How can you treat a sting or bite?

Maths - practice x5 x2 

Spellings: terrible, article, battle, possible, adjustable, settle, humble, example, struggle, capable.

Reading - continue to read and record on Boom Reader 

Finley enjoyed PE were we participated in Team building exercises. We played a hoop game where we had to hold each other's hands and get the hoop all the way round the circle. We also played, pass the ball in a line to get from one side of the court to the other, it was a tie!!

Ivy enjoyed looking at our new book even though she already knows the story. Hetty and Lola also enjoyed looking at the front cover and predicting what the book might be about, she thinks it is about a hare that gets lost in the forest when it was with its mum, but it runs away! 

Dexter enjoyed maths because we have been doing extra maths in the mornings as our morning task. 

Mya has enjoyed art where we got to look at pictures from Stephen Wiltshire and picked out the bits that we liked and disliked.

Tom W enjoyed PSHCE as we learnt about bites and stings. One of the things that can bite are snakes and one of the things that sting are wasps and bees. We focused on what we should do when someone is stung or bitten.

Lucas really enjoyed French as Mr Lowin gave us a challenge to colour in the correct fruit with the correct colour but Mr Lowin said it in French! For example, Une pommae c'est rouge = An apple is red.

Connie really enjoyed the story of the Birdman from last half-term. 

Thomas P enjoyed gymnastics when we got to jump off the high vault, we were focusing on bending our knees when we landed.

Barney and Finley enjoyed celebrating their birthdays with the class.