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Friday 10th February

Talk homework: Tell your adults everything you have learnt about clean water and how you filtered dirty water in your science investigation. 

Spellings: sure, station, shore, chef, machine

This week Darcey wants to tell you about Vincent Van Gogh. He was a famous dutch artist and he painted The Starry Night, Sunflowers and he even painted a very famous picture of his Bedroom. We also learnt that he used to give art classes. George wants to tell you about our science investigation today when we explored filtering dirty water. He liked putting sand and rocks in a funnel to see if they worked to filter the water. Eden has enjoyed writing a story throughout the week. We wrote it in 6 parts and illustrated it as we wrote. They are all amazing. Araoluwa and Tilly enjoyed performing their gymnastic routines to the rest of the class. Cohen enjoyed French this week when he learnt how to say J'aime le football!

Have a great half term holiday

Heron class