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Friday 10th February 2023

Talk homework

This week we have been focusing on using our number bonds to numbers within 10 to help us when adding ones to larger numbers. For example, if 2 + 3 = 5, we know that 12 + 3 must be 15. We looked at what was the same and what was different – the children could see the number bonds within the addition number sentences and could tell us that it was different because a 10 had been added. Challenge yourself to answer some trickier number sentences, using your bonds within 10 to help you.


Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


The children will be tested on their High Frequency words on Monday 20th February. Please make sure you practise these spellings over the half term as it will really benefit the children’s writing.

In English this week the children have been learning about the different word classes that we use in our writing. We have learned that an adjective is used to describe, a verb tells us what someone is doing and a noun is a person, place or thing. The children used what they know about the character, Anna, from our Power of Reading text ‘How to Find Gold’, as well as their knowledge and understanding of adjectives, to help them write a character description about the small, adventurous, brave girl!

In PE this week the children really enjoyed our football session, where we put our dribbling and passing skills into practise in small group sessions, as well as practised shooting the ball towards a target. The children showed determination and perseverance in their lessons and we all had lots of fun!

In Art this week we have been looking at the artist Hokusai who used a printing technique to create beautiful pictures of water. The children had such fun designing their own wave using a technique called relief printing. The children drew their wave design onto a piece of cardboard, before using string to cover the design. They then used a roller to paint over their print design before printing it into their sketchbooks. The children’s designs were successful and they had a great time learning a new technique!

Thank you all for attending our Spring Term Parents Evening this week, it was really fantastic to sit and have a proper chat with you about your children and their progress so far this week. We are really proud of how far they have all come since September and can’t believe that we are already halfway through the year!

** Maths Packs **

Lots of parents queried about how to support Maths at home during our Parents Evening appointments. We have sent home a maths pack for each child with some information on our Maths learning, including the use of part-whole models, fact families, using a number line for addition and subtraction as well as missing number problems. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to drop us an email, and we will do our best to help where we can.

** Shoebox Appeal **

Could you please save any spare shoeboxes that you have at home and send them in with your children next half term – we will be designing and making our very own sustainable sensory gardens as part of our skills builder project and ideally we would like the children to have their own – please keep boxes you may have as we would love to take them off your hands!

** Phonics Screening Check Information Afternoon 3:30-4:00pm **

An email was sent out yesterday to inform you that we will be holding a Phonics Screening Check Information Afternoon for ALL parents on Tuesday 21st February 2023 from 3:30-4:00pm. Children are welcome to attend this meeting as we are aware that it is taking place straight after school. We will also be recording the meeting if you are unable to attend – please drop us an email at either way to let us know if you will be attending or if you would like a copy of the video recording sent to you after the meeting has taken place.

It has been an incredibly busy start to 2023 and we are so proud of how the children are continuing to show us their fantastic work ethic and enthusiasm for learning – please enjoy a well-deserved rest over half term and we look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 20th February.

Best wishes,
The Year 1 Team