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Friday 26th April

Welcome to the Summer Term 

English: This week we have finished reading the first story from 'Claude in the City.' On completion we did an extended piece of writing, by creating our own newspaper articles explaining the robbery that had occured during the story. Today we also had a go at being newsreaders, by presenting a news report to the rest of the class.

Maths: We have been learning how to tell the time (o'clock and half past) using the clocks that we made for homework last half term. There has been lots of discussion about the length of time and how long things take to complete.

Global Learning: Our new global learning topic is called Zero Hunger. This week we started to thing about designing our own menu for Mrs Bigg in the school kitchen. Look out for a special menu later this half term. 

We have not had specific spelling lists this week however extra practice of common exception words (see the list in reading diaries) has been great.

A plea from Mrs Jaynes! If you are free on a Wednesday afternoon we are looking for adults to help us at the allotment each week. Ideally for the whole afternoon, from 1 o'clock until 3 o'clock so that all of us can visit and plant some new produce. If you are able to help in any way please let either Mrs Jaynes or Mrs Woodward know.