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Friday 20th January

Talk homework: Ask your adults to look at a range of coins with you to make sure that you can quickly identify each coin by its colour, shape and size. Now try to make 15p using as many different coin combinations as you can. 

Spellings: table, able, apple, stable, little, gentle

Heron class have worked so hard this week and have really earnt a weekend to recharge their batteries. In maths, we have used arrays to help us multiply two numbers. The children have linked repeated addition to multiplication and have learnt to multiply by 2, 5 and 10. Today in maths, we identified coins by making rubbings of them in our books. There was a lot of discussion about the shapes, value, colour and size. We then moved on to investigating how we can combine different coins to make an amount. We soon realised that there were many different ways to make 10p! 

In English, we read setting descriptions and then showed that we understood the descriptions by drawing a picture of the setting. Then we drew our own description and annotated it with a good range of expanded noun phrases. 

In science, we read a story all about The Broad Street pump and how it was linked to the spread of Cholera. We read about a man called Dr Snow who discovered that Cholera was spreading in dirty water and not through bad air which is what others believed at the time. 

In History, we learnt about Sir Joseph Bazalgette, who designed the sewage system in London in 1858. We looked at pictures of the system being built and learnt that Joseph Bazalgette was an engineer. An engineer designs and builds structures.

In Art, we learnt a textile technique called fraying. We will use this technique when we make our textile germs. In P.E. we braved the icy conditions and continued to practise our netball skills. 

Have a lovely weekend 

Mrs Tarpey