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Blog 20.1.23

Talk Homework - To explain to your adults about the bones in our body! 

Spelling - obey, osprey, they, convey, surveyor, grey, survey, disobey, prey 

Maths - x5 x2

Reading - Use Boom Reader to record what you have read 

We have enjoyed playing hockey this week because we played a form of dodgeball with the hockey balls and sticks, where we couldn't pick up the ball and had to use the sticks. 

In art, we have been designing our Scarpace fish or turtles for when we make them out of clay. 

In English, we got to draw what we thought the Birdman's cottage looked like inside, then we described it. 

We enjoyed online safety as we got to use the computers to look at different adverts. 

In Science, we put together a skeleton and learnt about the names of the bones. 

We have enjoyed gymnastics as we've been practising different balances.