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Friday 20th January 2023

Spellings: table, apple, stable, able, little, gentle

Talk Homework; Draw a picture of your garden, can you think of different adjectives or expanded noun phrases to describe it?

This week we have enjoyed our art- designing our fabric germ and learning how to plait and fray materials. In maths, we have continued our multiplication learning, focusing on arrays and repeated addition- we have even challenged ourselves to show the commutative form! In history, we have been learning about Joseph Bazelgette who built the sewer system which saved many lives. This meant that many people were protected from contaminated water where sewage and drinking water sources mixed, leading to people dying from cholera. In PE, we learnt how to make shapes with our bodies such as the pike, arch, front support and dish, using our strong points of contact to hold these balances. In English, we have been focusing on descriptions. We have enjoyed reading through different setting descriptions and drawing our imagined images using exciting vocabulary within expanded noun phrases to describe them. We also drew jellyfish with pastels and used adjectives and adverbs to describe them.

Seb- 'I have enjoyed maths, especially working out times tables'

Matilda S- 'I have enjoyed multiplications with arrays'

Fin R- 'I enjoyed English when we looked at other settings'

Leah- 'I enjoyed all of maths'

Mila- 'I enjoyed English when we described jellyfish'

Shruthi- 'I enjoyed learning about Joseph Bazelgette'

Have a good weekend.

Miss Bennett

If anyone would be willing to donate a plant to our class, it would be very much appreciated... and would be cared for my our plant monitors Olivia and Jimmy!