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Week beg 9.1.23

Talk homework: Explain how to use short and long multiplication to your adults.


What a fabulous week! We have worked exceptionally hard. We have been learning about Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in History, coral reefs in Geography and states of matter in Science.

We have found Maths tricky as we have been learning long multiplication, but we have done lots of fluency lessons and are slowly getting there. Despite the challenge, Riley and Bella have really enjoyed it. 

In our new English text, we have been introduced to additional characters, and we've been very excited to make our predictions. In Art, Year 5 have begun to plan our willow sculptures that will be a part of a temporary exhibition in school to educate younger years on the impact of plastic pollution in our oceans. We'll be building sea turtles and jellyfish to represent how turtles mistaken plastic bags for jellyfish - Nevaeh and Matilda have both enjoyed this. 

Ida has also enjoyed RE with Mrs Butcher, learning about Aryuna's dilemma; Iris and Izzy had fun on Friday with Mrs Walker learning how to play African drums in Music. 

Winners of the world cup competition were announced this week. Well done Joshua for your successful presentation and Betsy for selecting the winning team.

Next week, we hope to do even more science experiments as the children are really enjoying the practical aspect this term and will begin to build our sculptures. 

I'd also like to say a belated thank you to all of you, especially whom I've not managed to thank in person, for my thoughtful Christmas gifts and books for Year 5. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Acorn class.