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Friday 5th April

What a creative week we have had!

English: This week we created our own Sir Bobblysocks (sock puppets) and then we wrote our own set of instructions telling everyone how we had done this. All of our designs were very different, although keeping some of the key features of the character from the book (SS) 

Maths: We have begun thinking about time and the language that we need to make sure that we understand and use correctly. We looked at before, next and after and also the days of the week. We made mini paper chains linking the days in the correct order.

Science: We built houses out of straws, bricks (lego) and twigs to replicate the houses in the story of the 3 Little Pigs. Then Mr Bowden tried to blow them down with a big fan to see if they fell over. We wrote about which of the houses were the strongest. (RL and JB)

Global Learning: We finished off our topic by making some sustainable cities in small groups. We labelled the different amenities and things that we had included in the city. All of our cities were made from recycled items which we are very happy about. (IS) Some of us explained how things are sustainable (BB)

Spellings: We have been spending time practicing spelling our common exception words and days of the week.