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Friday 6th January 2023

Talk homework

This week we have introduced our new Science topic ‘Animals, Including Humans’. Talk to your grown-ups about the different types of animals that you know. Think about their features – do they have wings, legs, feathers, fur? We will be looking in more detail at this next week!


Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


Spellings will be coming home with the children on Tuesday 10th January so that they can learn them. They will be tested on Monday 16th January.

In English this week we have had a focus on letter formation, handwriting and dictation. The children have been using their knowledge of the phonemes that we have learnt so far this year to support them in writing sentences containing these sounds. We have also had lots of opportunities to practise our cursive handwriting, the children have impressed us with their hard work.   

In Maths this week we have been shape detectives! The children have learnt the names of lots of 3D shapes, have been building using a range of these shapes and have been talking about the properties of the shapes that they have used.

In RE this week we have talked about our wonderful world. We talked about creation, and how we can follow a number of rules to look after our planet. The children came up with some really considerate ideas and rules to follow in order to help our environment.

The children have come back in with a super attitude towards their learning and we are looking forward to seeing them continue to work hard!

The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

Best wishes,
The Year 1 Team