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Friday 5th April

No talk homework

Poppy would like to tell you that in Global Learning we have learned about how Romans cleaned their clothes in urine! They kept themselves clean by going to the Roman Baths. In the Tepidarium, at the Baths, it was lovely and warm. Kerry Ann knows that the Romans went to the Roman Baths to meet their friends and have a chat. Izzy has made a leaflet all about the different rooms at the Roman Baths. At the Baths the girls and boys have their own areas(Macie).

In English we retold the whole story of The Magic Finger in pictures! Now Stan wants to know what happens to The Coopers!

In Arithmetic we have learnt all about related facts and practising our times tables (Grace).

This afternoon we did cross country in Inter-house and it was great fun but very tiring.

Have a great Easter Holiday

Roddick class