Week beg 12.12.22

Review last week's spellings for another attempt on Monday...please learn these challenge words: accommodate, available, controversy, dictionary, marvellous, opportunity, secretary, sincerely, suggest, twelfth
It's been another busy, but brilliant week. Acorn have shown great resilience, problem-solving and determination in our DT project this week as they created their own wind turbine. Freddie says it was challenging, but really fun! Today, we tested our prototypes' construction using a battery-powered circuit and switch, then turned the motor into a generator using wind power. We used a voltmeter to measure the amount of power our turbines generated – it got a little competitive! Some reached as much as 1.4 volts, which was very impressive for our little models.
We began our lino printing today, which Freya and Tom really enjoyed, and we will continue on Monday so that they can bring them home on Tuesday.
Iris enjoyed gymnastics as they got to have a go on the bars. Ida thought music was great today too as they learnt a new song.
Our spellings for this week are repeats of last week's challenge words as many students needed more practice. There is no SATs Companion homework this week, however feel free to explore the programme and complete any missed homework.
Over the Christmas break, can children be encouraged to read their AR book please. Every child should have an AR book at their appropriate level to read over the holiday with the intention of completing an AR quiz on return to school in January. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Schmidt