Week beg 5.12.22

Talk homework: Discuss the materials you will need for your turbine, with your adults
This week has been a busy week with lots of new and challenging learning.
We have started our skills builder project, Legal Eagles, where we will focus on our speaking, listening and teamwork skills. We are learning how to work with people we might not normally choose to work with and to utilise our differences as strengths to solve problems.
In DT, we have been briefed on our project. We need to find an alternative form of renewable energy that can power a lightbulb for a house in a rural community of a developing country. We have already tested and created an electrical circuit – with a switch – that will light up a bulb. We now need to find an alternative way to generate enough energy from our motor (rather than a battery) to ensure that it can light up our house. We each have a different design that requires different recyclable materials to make such as wooden lolly sticks, corrugated cardboard, yoghurt pots, plastic spoons and plastic/cardboard cups, so please begin to gather and bring these in before next Thursday.
Riley enjoyed Maths this week whereby we have been learning how to calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes and will be moving onto area next week. A few of us are finding perimeter very challenging, so we will continue to do work on this as well next week.
Ida, Nevaeh and Keira are enjoying their art lessons, in which they have finalised their Industrial Revolution sketches and explored oil pastels ahead of finishing next week. Acorn and Bluebell have really enjoyed doing their Lino cutting and are excited to begin printing next week too.
Harry thoroughly enjoyed Reception's nativity play today as Acorn pupils have family and friends that are taking part.
Our spellings for Monday's quiz are:
We hope you have a lovely, relaxing weekend.
Acorn class.