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Friday 2nd December

1.) Remember to read for 20 minutes each day and record your reading on Boom Reader. 

2.) There are 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion - please complete these by next Wednesday.

3.) Revise this week's spelling words ready for a quiz on Monday: system, antonym, symbol, mystery, lyrics, oxygen, rhythm, symptom, typical, crystal.

Susie: This week in DT we made some miniature Christmas Trees using clay.  We had to roll the clay before coiling it to make a tree shape; then we added a star on the top - I found it really tricky to mould the clay into a star shape!  Our trees have now been fired in the kiln, and we are looking forward to glazing them next week.

Izzy: Today, after school, Year 6 are holding a Cake Sale to raise money for a sensory swing.  Lots of people have made and bought some delicious looking cakes, and lots of us are giving up our time after school to sell them on the playground.  I have made a poster to advertise the event, and we are hoping to make some money to give back to school.

Elysia: This week we had a 'Mock SATs Week' where we had a go at past papers in order to prepare us for our tests in May.  Some of the questions were not as hard as I thought they would be, but it was very challenging to manage our time and keep focussed on answering as many questions as we could in the time given.  We are all looking forward to hearing about how we got on.