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Friday 18th November 2022

Spellings: duck, sick, pack, luck, shock

Talk Homework: Can you retell the story of The Magic Finger so far? Can you share with your family or friends how each character felt at different points?

This week we have been enjoying rehearsing our school production- we loved practising in our costumes! In English, we have been writing a diary entry, as if we were a member of the Gregg family who just got turned into a duck by Girl's magic finger! We drew some excellent story maps and considered the feelings of the characters at different points. In maths, we have been continuing our subtraction, counting in threes and even started learning about 2D shapes. In science, we learnt about the heart and how it pumps blood around the body. In PE today we completed Skip2BFit- it was so much fun using skipping ropes with counters in... we were amazing and are now very tired! In history, we have been learning about the history of the police force- we know that the first watchmen were called 'Charleys', followed by the 'Bow Street Runners' (consisting of just 6 men!) then we had the 'Peelers' (a police force starting with 3000 men!). This week is anti-bullying week- we know that bullying is consistent, unkind behaviour that can hurt someone on the inside or outside. We know that we should tell a trusted adult if this happens.

Isla-Rose- 'I enjoyed doing Art when we practised colouring in the lines and same direction with different colours).

Matilda S- 'I enjoyed writing my diary entry in English'

Harry- 'I loved performing to the school'

Seb- 'I have enjoyed sewing and planning our baubles'

Matilda B- 'I enjoyed skipping today'

Happy Friday!

Hope to see you all at the Christmas Fair tomorrow between 11am-3pm!

Miss Bennett