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04.11.22 Blog

Spelling - adoration, admiration, illustration, detonation, coronation, observation, location, generation, combination, exploration

TT Rockstars - Practise your multiplication - use Sound tracks

Talk Homework - Tell your family about the imaginary lines that go around the world

In English, we have started our new Power of Learning reading book and we illustrated our own interpretation of the Firebird and described Prince Ivan's personality.

In History, we learnt about Guy Fawkes and how he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

Some people in Fern's class our beating their own records on the multiplication booklets.

Due to the rainy weather, we were unable to use the field, so we did circuits around the track in PE which was very fun.

Everyone is practising their parts in the play and  having fun performing together.

Have a great weekend.