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Friday 21st October, 2022

Friday 21st October, 2022

We had a wonderful week, and we are all looking forward to a well-earned rest over half-term. 

There are no spellings or SATS Companion homework to do, however please feel to explore the 'Practice' area of SATS Companion. Why not challenge yourself in the Science section with questions about Earth and Space? 

Spellings will resume next week, but you could practise your Year 3/4 Common Exception Words. Do you know all of them? 

Please continue to read and log on Boom Reader, as well as continue with TT Rockstars. 

Can I politely request that pencil cases are fully equipped for the next half-term with writing pencils, whiteboard pens, a ruler and a sharpener please. If your child has a pen pass, please provide them with a blue or black pen to write with (not a fountain pen as the ink smudges easily). Children also need working headphones please, especially if they do Nessy or TT Rockstars in school. 

This week, Isabelle really enjoyed finishing her collage. Tom enjoyed problem-solving his spaghetti and marshmallow structures, while Jack and Ida liked learning about medieval medicine, as part of our science day with Ely Cathedral. We moved on from column addition and subtraction this week to strategies for mental arithmetic – Acorn class did really well, and we'll be doing more in the next half-term. 

Enjoy your half-term and see you in a week.