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Friday 21st October 2022

Spellings: boat, float, oak, road, toad

Talk Homework: Can you create map of your own garden using a title, key, compass points and consideration of scale?

Below is a letter we have written to Sir David Attenborough linking all our learning from this half-term on our SDG: Life on Land.

Dear Sir David Attenborough,

We are writing to you to express our concern about our planet and the future of its wildlife.

In Magpies, we have been focusing our learning on the Sustainable Development Goal ‘Life on Land’ and have put great thought into understanding the importance of caring for our environment.

In history, this half term we have learnt about your life and all of your work around the world with nature and wildlife. We really enjoyed drawing different events from your life and going outside to order these on a timeline. We know that your interest in animals and wild life began when you were 6 years old and found some fossils. When you were older you joined the Navy and travelled the world.  We also learnt that you made lots of TV shows where you even brought live animals into the studio! Some of us have completed additional research and have loved watching more of your documentaries at home. You allowed people to see these amazing creatures in their own homes from the fantastic film and documentaries you have made- thank you! We also found out that your work has been recognised as being important because you have been knighted twice- how inspiring!

In art, we have sketched some insects and thought carefully about our shading making sure our sketches were accurate representations. We looked closely at snail shells, creating a spiral and using tonal shading to add depth and detail.

In DT, we have made our own bug hotels- we have had a blast! We understand that these are human features but having a home for mini-beasts is important especially when humans have been destroying natural habitats for animals to make way for the building of new homes and roads. Creating this microhabitat has been amazing because we have made sure that they have access to shelter, food and water around our school.


In Geography, we have been looking at the A14. When this new road was built, luckily companies understand that if habitats are destroyed they must locate the animals to a different place first.  The people who built the A14 have also planted lots of trees. We know trees are important because they provide us with oxygen and create a habitat for a variety of creatures. We know that studying animals in their natural habitats is really important to you so we wanted to do our part to protect our British wildlife.

In English, we have read the book The Last Wolf. Using inspiration from the text we have carried out some research about Lions. We know a group of lions is called pride, a baby lion is called a cub and a female lion is a lioness. When it is hunting a lion emerges slowly. We wrote our own Kenning poems which was great fun! We were really shocked to see the impact of housing developments on local green spaces, especially the wildlife and their food supply.

In science, we have looked at different habitats including grasslands and the polar regions. We have studied how animals have adapted so they are able to live in particular regions around the world. We know lions would not survive in the polar regions or in the cold seas because it doesn’t have enough fur or blubber to keep it warm.

Magpie’s Pledges:

We promise that we will plant trees and look after nature (Edmund).

I promise that I will encourage people to look after the planet (Isla-Rose)

I promise to never drop litter and put all my rubbish in the bin (Leah).

I promise to look after and care for animals including the smallest bugs (Harry)

I promise to make more bug hotels (Grayson)

I promise not to waste water by turning off my hose when it is not really needed (Orla)

We promise to plant flowers in our gardens and in school to attract bees.

Thank you for being such an amazing person! We hope you enjoy reading our letter.

Yours sincerely,
