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Friday 21st October

1.) Remember to read for 20 minutes each day and record your reading on Boom Reader. 

2.) There are 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion - please complete these by the Wednesday after half-term.

3.) Revise this week's spelling words ready for a quiz on Monday 31st October: category, correspond, environment, amateur, frequently, language, occur, queue, signature, twelfth

Have a lovely half-term break!

Susie:  This week we have been learning about the order of operations in Maths.  We learnt that if there is brackets in a calculation, that you always need to do that bit first.

Jackson:  We finished our Power of Reading book this week, 'The Last Wild'. I really enjoyed the book, especially the cliff-hanger ending.

Stan L:  I enjoyed our Diocese Day on Wednesday where we learnt about The Plague.  We got to make 'smelling bags' where we gathered different herbs and put them in material.  We then tied them up to make a little bag which people could smell to help make them better.