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Friday 14th October

Homework:  Remember to read everyday and record your reading sessions on Boom Reader.  Revise spellings ready for a quiz on Monday:  environment, immediately, sufficient, language, vegetable, thorough, cemetery, appreciate, convenience, conscious.

Finn, Betsy and Amaya: This week we've enjoyed working on our collages, learning more about working in layers, and we look forward to completing our artwork next week.

Nevaeh, Charlie, Ella-May and Tom: This week we've enjoyed our PE lesson. We had our first training session with a coach from Northampton Saints and can't wait to continue training sessions after half-term. 

Harry, Freya and Iris: This week we have enjoyed writing up our diary entry in role as Bradley.  We also enjoyed our English lesson where we did a conscience alley to show Bradley's different thoughts.