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Blog 14.10.22

Talk homework: To discuss why books are important and talk about your favourite book. 

Maths: practice the 2x table

Spellings: practice spellings ready for Monday

We've enjoyed PE when we were doing some netball games with the other class. 

In English, we've been writing letters to Professor Brownstone from our book about his vault and why we should be able to visit it. We've enjoyed reading a new book all about adventure :) 

In art, on Monday, we have been working with primary colours and secondary colours. We made a big wiggle drawing on a page and painted with them. Red and yellow make orange, yellow and blue make green, blue and red make purple, and all the colours make brown. 

In maths, we have been working on subtracting and adding using number lines. We have been doing this by going to the ten and then finishing our addition or subtraction. E.g. 16 + 8 = 16 + 4 (=10) +4 = 14 and 26 - 8 = 26 - 6 (=20) - 2 = 18. We also did some problem-solving with this problem which we enjoyed Build it Up (

In RE, with Mrs Butcher we have been learning about things which we can't help doing and things which we can help to do. E.g. help - stop littering; can't help - natural disasters 

In DT, we have enjoyed finishing our bookmarks with Mrs Jaynes. We are looking forward to bringing them home soon. 

In French, we have been counting up to 10 in French and we have been looking at the differences in the education in France and England.