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Friday 15th March

It's crazy hair day! Thank you for all of the effort that went into some crazy hair and hats for today. Everyone has had lots of fun and laughs!


This week we have started reading our new book 'Claude in the City.' We have found out a little bit about Claude and started the very beginning of the story.

I liked writing about the city and Claude - Olly

I think that Sir Bobblysock and Mrs and Mrs Shinyshoes are funny characters - Lucie



This week we have been going counting crazy! 

We have been counting in 10s, 2s and 5s - Riley



On Tuesday we did an investigation to see if taller people have bigger feet. We measured our feet using cubes and then put our feet in order (biggest to smallest) and put ourselves in order to see if we could answer the question - Aiden


Global Learning:

We discussed what it means to be homeless and started to think about how we could help homeless people. We drew pictures of a backpack and what we might fill it with in order to help someone that is homeless - Ida, Aiden, Betsy, Remy

Yesterday we discussed with Mrs Woodward the difference between teasing and bullying - Sebastian


Group 1 - they, my, night, soap, zoom

Group 2 - brown, clap, brick, clown, are

Group 3 - light, fight, sigh, coat, goat

Group 4 - cake, maze, note, hope, friend

Group 5 - snake, amazement, bone, token, friend