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Friday 14th October 2022

Talk homework: Tell your adults all about the African Savannah and the facts you know about lions.

Spellings: glue, clue, true, rescue, blue

Remember to read every day if you can.

Archer and Cohen has enjoyed learning about David Attenborough's life and yesterday in history we made a class timeline featuring the main events in his life. We took our learning outside and ordered the events on a huge timeline! We know David Attenborough had two brothers, that he went to Clare College in Cambridge and he has two knighthoods.

Arthur has loved learning about hedgehogs and can now draw one brilliantly.

Matilda M enjoys learning spellings in school and this week our spelling words include the 'ue' sound.

Tilly found learning about lions fun this week and we are going to make double page fact files all about lions!

Xyla has enjoyed learning what life in the African Savannah is like. We thought hard this week about how animals are adapted to where they live. We imagined being lion cubs in Antarctica and realised our paws would get very cold and the water would taste salty!

Toby loves PE where he has been learning Tag rugby and its fun to grab other people's tags and Nolan enjoyed dribbling with the footballs too!

Happy weekends everyone!

Heron class