7th October 2022
Talk Homework- Over the next fortnight, we will be focusing upon learning about our homes and our locality. To support this please could you talk to your child about your address, house number, street and village/ town. Please could you also send in a photo of your home as we will be creating paintings of them this week and box models next week. These can be emailed to eyfs@buckdenacademy.org
The shared reading text we've completed this week is 'Kim Cat'. You can access this electronically (along with 'Tap, Tap, Tap') on the Success For All Phonics Parent Portal.
Keep up with three times a week reading and recording on the Boom Reader App.
It's been a busy week this week! We had our Harvest Festival at church, where the children were able to give their generous donations for the Godmanchester food bank. Thank you for your thoughtfulness! We also had a visit from Finn's mummy and baby brother and we thought about how we change as we grow up. The children got to ask lots of questions about babies -- and we have lots of expert big brothers and big sisters who shared their experiences.
We have learnt the sounds ck, e, u and r and our shared reading text was Kim Cat. Next week we will be practising all the sounds taught to date- s a t p i n m d o c k ck e u r and using them to write simple words.
In maths, we have explored patterns. The children have looked at patterns in nature and animal skins which you can see in the photo above. We have created AB patterns with shapes, colours, movements and sounds. The children have even been pattern detectives and repaired patterns that their learning partner has muddled.
In PSHE, we have learnt about recognising emotions in ourselves and others and what we can do to find 'win win' compromises in times of disagreement.
In music we have learnt the song 'This Old Man' to add to our expanding repertoire of nursery songs and in PE we have been using the apparatus to help us practice balances and creating shapes with our bodies.