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Friday 30th September 2022

Talk homework

Talk to your adults at home about the four main compass points.

In DT we will be designing and making our own classroom tables to support our Global Learning topic ‘Quality Education’. Please could you save your cereal boxes over the next couple of weeks so that we can use them for our project in the final week of half term, thank you!


Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you log every time you read with your child.

Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as We will be reading with your children in school at least once a week. We also understand that one book change a week may not be enough for our avid readers, so will continue to change them on a Tuesday and a Friday.


The children came home with six spelling words to learn on Tuesday:


The mouse has a mouth.

The children are expected to practise these at home, as well as in school and will be tested on these words on Monday. The children will come home with new spelling words every Tuesday, to give them lots of time to practise reading and writing them.

The children have spent this week investigating our body parts and our senses in Science. We asked the question ‘do taller people have bigger feet?’ the children measured their height and the size of their feet in centimetres. We then ordered the children from tallest to smallest and compared their shoe sizes. We found that the taller the child, the bigger their feet! We thought about why this might be, and came to the conclusion that if big people had small feet, they would probably fall over a lot! We also investigated whether our sense of touch is better in our hands or our feet. The children wore blindfolds and touched some different objects with their feet, drew what they thought they could feel, and then touched them again with their hands, and again drew what they thought they could feel. We came to the conclusion that our hands are much better for feeling things than our feet!

The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Murkett and Bramble Class